Hanoi, Vietnam

Tag: BIM

3D & BIM Technology Services

BIM Coordination

We provide BIM Coordination services:

Revit architectural model

Project information: Architectural model of the current building in Autodesk Revit software. The model is used for the repair and renovation process. Input data are old design drawings, photos and videos of the current state of the building.

Point cloud to CAD

Project information: Create as-built CAD drawings from Point cloud data CAD drawings not only follow the survey data (point cloud) but also show materials as well as surface conditions of walls, roof …

Infrastructure BIM model from Point cloud

Project Information: Create 3D BIM models of Infrastructure: Road, Building, Signs, Electric Pole, Lighting Pole. Build contour, create 2D GIS survey drawings. Input data from Point cloud, Drone photos.

Architecture BIM model from Point cloud

Project information: Architectural BIM model in Autodesk Revit. The input data is Point cloud.


BIM 5D Simulation

Project information: 3D BIM modeling of buildings, road, tunnel… Combination of 3D Model + Schedule (4D) + Cost (5D). Construction simulation in Autodesk Navisworks. Video:

Smart Parking Building

Project information: 3D modeling and simulation of Smart Parking Building. Demonstration of operation of the automatic vehicle inspection system.


Infrastructure 3D Model

Project information: 3D modeling of Infrastructure: bridges, roads, tunnels, landscaping,… Create video, photos for presentation. Video:

BIM Modeling

We provide BIM Modeling services for Architecture and Infrastructure projects: